Monday, October 6, 2008

YOUtube AND MEdia

I recently caught this advertisement on the television and thought it was quite cool. its pretty amazing how nokia's advertising department came up with the concept of the world being supported by human beings. there is no denying that with people, the mass media is nothing and without the mass media, people today are nothing.

This brings me to the point

Personally i feel that the media has become a part of the human race today. And we cannot deny that without tv, internet, print media. the world will be revert back to the dark days where we just mind our own business. Honestly i cannot imagine how the world was back then when the internet was not yet invented. today it is almost impossible to find anything that is not related to the mass media. Our culture, the way we think, the way we dress, even how we move has been affect by the media. From stereotypes to fashion shows. The world we live in has been placed in the palm of the media today.

It is almost hard to find something that is not related to the media.
can u think of anything that is not related to the media today?

This is one clear entertainment for all you MAMBO FANS


Zed Ngoh said...

as discussed in class, media (just as most other things), is a double edged sword (or a coin), and everything depends.

yes it can be argued that too little media would be detrimental to society as we would lack the knowledge to keep up with the times, but too much media makes us robots to what is being shown(TV), played(radio) and said(print).

therefore, the important thing is to be aware of the evils out there, and not let them shape your behaviour.

AmandaCWL said...

hmm..people all nation supporting the media huh? yes, we are very reliant on the media indeed and there is no doubt that it benefits us in our daily lives.

unfortunately, some of us have become "slaves" of the media. we are eventually losing the ability to think and allow the media to absorb our minds. the values that are innate in us are starting to deteriorate, eg. materialism and worship for beauty and fashion.

we are more prone of seeking immediate gratification from the media. if we do not get what we want quick enough, we become frustrated and direct our angers to people or objects around us.

Z said...

Mass media are created by people and people are increasingly reliant on mass media to transmit/gain information about issues. It's part and parcel of being a human being in today's society. Like what Zed said, media is indeed a double-edged sword. So i guess it's up to the individual to perceive the media correctly and wisely.

Bryan J Wong said...

I wouldn't say that we are absolutely reliant on the mass media, but i would admit it would feel like the stone age again if it were taken away from us. So much of our entertainment today is media based, and a lot of our perceptions of the world are based on what the mass media conveys to us. This is tricky because, like Zed mentioned, there are a lot of evils out there and really it is up to us to be able to discern for ourselves which information to internalize and which to take with a pinch of salt.

Fiona Neo said...

Reliance on the media is something that i practice subconsciously in my life. I would not exactly say that media consumes me. However, if I were to imagine media being suddenly wiped out of my life, I would certainly feel a great void! I could not exactly picture myself without the news to tell me what is happening in the world today and neither would I be able to imagine life without music!

It is true that there are many other things that influence our lives but it is still undeniable that the media has somehow or rather shaped our lives already. The culture we live in, being Singapore is greatly Americanised because of how we are so easily accessed to trends in the States.

Perhaps we have reached an era in which we can't exactly run away from the media anymore. Living without media is almost unimaginable because media is a development that has certainly made life easier.

So yes, Jerome, it seems like we can't really survive that well without media now.

lucas said...

what is there to do about it? we are always craving for the latest news, be they what is happening half way around the world, or the latest statuses of our friends, twitter, facebook, take your pick.

is the mass media controlling us? i will say yes. advertisements, movies, all of them have a profound impact on our lives, consciously or subconsciously.

how then to minimize the impact? i will say be discerning about the things we see/read, don't let unnecessary things brainwash us.

Kai Siang said...

I feel technology is meant for us to rely on. Otherwise why we create it? Mass Media is a great example. It keeps everyone well informed of issues that concern them.

Slize said...

In this day and age, everything is media. i go as far to say that media equates to cash. I wont go all about the the how(s) or what(s).Its pretty self explanatory.

However,media has made society what it is today. The good,the bad and the ugly.We learn good deeds and reinforce our actions not only because of what we've experienced but also because of what the media has taught us. We would never know how gruesome or catastophic the Vriginia Killings and 9/11 were respectively had it not been for the media.

The media is especially responsible for the good and the evil of men. Think about the focus on violent video games and how natural disasters give rise to helping hands from people all over the world.

okrasandaubergines said...

ok before i give you my opinion, let me just say that i love mambo and i miss it.. :( (LOL!!!)

so anyway, i think we are all so fortunate to have access to the mass media. it is really a powerful resource. and i like to be updated with current affairs and continuously increasing my general knowledge. after all, news talks about experiences and they are all part of our lives right. it paints us the bigger scheme of things in life.

Shawn Lee Wei Bin said...

Nice read! I agree that media is a consequence of globalisation and technology, both with the good, the bad, and the ugly. With all forms of power, authority, and technology comes abuse. It is so increasingly important in this day and age to be able to selectively choose what you want your mind to be influenced by.

Shawn Lee Wei Bin

Jerome Yeo said...

With regards to raj's commment i wanna ask something:

with so many new happening in the world today. how do u think news is selected in singapore. is it based on whats important or whats popular?