Monday, September 1, 2008

Music and Lyrics

Every day as I leave my house to begin my journey to school, I make sure that I well equipped with my Ipod. With it, I am confident that i am able to battle the monotony of the trip to school, or to wherever I am headed to. As many of us know, music is no doubt a form of communication. It is not only a outlet for the musicians to express their feelings but also a way for them to send a message across to the listeners - their subtle persuasion.

Last weekend, I read about BAYBEATS 2008, this "concert" is held annually at the Esplanade. Looking deeper into each of the performances, we will actually find the five canons embedded strategically in every song performed that very night. From Writing the song (invention) to the purpose (style) , (arrangment) of the music and lyrics, to the way the song is played (delivery) up till how the band moves and dance on stage that very night,so as to ensure that their item will continue to echo in the memories of their fans, are in fact based on the 5 canons.
As the hundreds of fans shout and scream as their favourite bands appear one by one on stage, the music and atmosphere makes the 5 canons seem almost insignificant.

Performing up on stage is somewhat like giving a presentation. Only thing that the presenters holding musical instruments always look much cooler. Like the 4 approaches identified in the Modern Era, music utilizes all of them, from the canons of the (classical), to music that toys with your emotions/behavior (psychological), the aesthetic/(belletristic) and finally the emphasis on the delivery with both the verbal and non verbal(eloucutionary)

As much we try not to mix what we study with the simple joys in life, we cannot deny the fact that what we learn is and will always be an important part of our everyday lives.


daphne(: said...

I'm from Temasek Poly(:

Actually the first thing that came to my mind when I read your post was that I really can relate to what you mean; because I cannot leave home without my mp3 with me, not even if it's just to get dinner from the hawker! I guess music really plays a big role in our everyday life!

I took Psychology as my co-subject before but wasn't taught the principles that you mentioned. Hence, I really find it interesting to read about them; especially when you present it using music instead of some boring theory we read from textbooks!

Actually, it's really nice to come across this post because it somehow allows me to see "music" in another angle. A lot of planner and musicians plan stuff according to these theories and I think understanding them, is really interesting!!!(:

Good job!

siewmai said...

even though i don't own a mp3(poor me)or any other sort of music playing hand-held device(poor-er me), i believe that music is very important in films. imagine titanic without celine dion's "my heart will go on". unacceptable! the music makes a film forgettable or unforgettable. film makers definitely put in much effort to the musical aspects of a film. so much so that there are even awards for best music(both score and song)in the the golden globe, oscar, emmy awards.

Jerome Yeo said...

yeah i agree that music is a great way to help bring forth the meaning or the essence of a topic. the world would be really boring without the influence of music.

deafknee :) said...

though I can't relate to music like you do, in terms of the 5 canons blah (whatever they are), to me music is a form of expression, and of course, like you say, a form of communication.

I feel that music communicates a myriad of emotions: be it humour, sadness, happiness, hate, joy, (and the greatest of this is..)love... Even the most simple of songs have some form of expressive element to it.

Can you imagine a world without music? I can't :)

and something random and probably odd: "emo" songs actually make me happy :)

Slize said...

Firstly, I can relate to your stand on having yourself well-equipped with your Ipod before a long journey. I do that too and if I don’t have it with me, it equates to not having my briefs on when I play sports. You were spot on in relating the 5 canons and the four approaches to performance on stage; I never realized it was that obvious. I was also thinking about how psychedelic music like those of Pink Floyd’s can influence or play a part in drug-taking activities, or how worshippers of heavy metal music grow their hair long and are almost always in clothed in black and extremely super-tight jeans. (God bless their….) Guess we cannot undermine the power “hidden” power music or famous musicians can have on people emotions, behaviors and most of all, lives (psychological).

buzz said...

yep yep! the 5 canons are the basic structure to bring the performance across to the audience. so that it will be deeply embedded into their hearts.

i do own a mp3, and i have to admit that there are many a time, it is music(rather than the people around me) that consoles me, strengthens me, and accompanies me. it is indeed a great gift to mankind, to have music as another form of communication! ^_^

AmandaCWL said...

your post is quite similar to mine but we actually touch on different principles of communications.

it's a wonder how communiction plays a big role in our lives without us realizing it! and yes, music is essential in our lives and a form of linear communication. i like the way you link the 5 canons with music, and it is true how music has evolved with times.

lucas said...

yes definitely, music does indeed have a profound impact on humans. by appealing to pathos too, music soothes us, gets us in the mood and generally evokes all kinds of emotions that we have in us.

music is simply the beautified form of normal verbal communication. no?

okrasandaubergines said...

I agree with you that music IS part of our everyday life. Music is a universal language, the simplest form of communication that breaks any language barriers.

For instance, I do not need to understand Japanese to appreciate Utada Hikaru's songs and relate to them. Her "First Love" (a hit that brought her to international fame)was loved by and touched the hearts of many worldwide, so much so that the lyrics were translated in English and even Spanish! I feel that the artist and her team did a good job in delivering the right emotions.

I also agree with the comment made by siewmai about music playing an important role in films and shows. "First Love" was the soundtrack for a popular Japanese drama series, "Karma for a Witch" (which by the way, is really tear-jerking), and even though I watched it almost eight years ago I can still vividly remember the actions and emotions in that tragic show!!

Arare - Raj said...

to Slize

LIES! I listen to metal and I refuse to wear tight pants and I am bald
(/sadface). LOL!

Ok....maybe I had the long hair once... a long time ago.QQ.

Personally,we need more metal.kthnx.

k r i s t y . w said...

Yea, the Ipod is definitely an integral part of my life. I can't imagine how I ever used to live without the existance of one. xD' Music is so important in affecting my moods and especially in getting me pumped up in the morning (or at least help just a little to keep me awake). Plus, it's just something that we can accept and enjoy really easily.

As far as communication through music, ever heard of backmasking? It's a subliminal form of influence, where messages are recorded backwards during a song. I think Led Zeppelin's Stairway to Heaven song is the most famous example, where he supposedly says 'Here's to my sweet Satan.'. I don't know if it's an effective form of influence, but imagine how powerful a tool that would be to musicians or politicians. Hurr. It's like what slize said, another form of hidden power.

... Ok, I hope I didn't go offtopic. xD

Anonymous said...

Well, talk about being short and sweet. A concise analysis on how important music can be. You hit the target by spotting the 5 canons. And also like Kristy mentioned, it plays a huge role in the outcome of one's emotions. For me, the tune of the music seems to be way more influential than the lyrics. The melody has a huge role on how it varies ones mood.

Anonymous said...

Ooooooo. Music! I can't live without it too! I think I would die if my Ipod ever ran out of battery. But yea, after reading what you wrote, I have realised that music does follow the 5 canons too.

For the music piece to be memorable, however,I think that the arrangement and delivery of the piece is very very very important compared to the remaining canons. That I feel is what people look out for when they listen to music.

Zed Ngoh said...

i miss those days when leaving the house meant i could plug in to my devices and escape the reality of the long bus/train ride i'm about to take. American Express said 'Don't leave home without it', i don't without my MP3 player.

on another note, it's interesting how we can relate what we have learnt to many of the thing we have practised in life. may times we already have the answers inside of us, but going back to school helps us to put a name or theory to what we are doing, and this enables us to be aware of our actions, thus improving them!

Jerome Yeo said...

To Lucas, I totally agree about lyrics and music being a nicer form of speaking. It makes everything sound so much sweeter!

Kai Siang said...

Music has been omnipresent in our generation. However, we would not look at music in a such a way you describe until we learn about the Five Canons of Rhetoric. It has since given us many insights to the our world. After all, we are communicating almost all the time. It is interesting to note that you applied it to the music you heard. Good Job.