Monday, September 22, 2008

Love is in the Air

A few days back, the United States of America host their 60th annual Prime time Emmy Awards. With each award came the prestige and the honor, rewarded only to the very best in the acting scene in USA.

From the television and pictures, the number of marriages and break ups in the HOLLYWOOD world is almost impossible to count. Almost everyday you hear about actors and actresses getting together, breaking up, filing divorces and dating. Such things are so common in Hollywood that make me wonder, on what grounds and reasons do these people get together for? What are the foundations for this relationships?

Unlike Singapore where love is a BIG problem. apparently big enough for the Government to set up a Social Development Unit (SDU), Hollywood stars seem to have no problem find their partner, or should i say partners. Building a Dyadic relationship is never easy. From the Initiation Stage, where the couple meet, to the Bonding stage ( marriage ). They are lucky there is no need to head down to the Termination of Relationship Stage. But being so busy with their work schedules how do stars maintain such relationships?

Time is definitely one big factor I feel is essential to build a relationship. Without it, an enormous uphill task awaits you. However these actors have proven me otherwise. they seem to have no problem building their relationship on fame and fortune. In fact, Im really puzzled on what these Stars build their marriage on. Like Beckham and Posh Spice, they seem to have a really healthy marriage going on. One of the rare few.

What do you think keeps hollywood stars from breaking up? Are they relationships as simple/complicated as ours?

All Photos: Matthew Imaging


Zed Ngoh said...

we must keep in mind that the star couple has another factor of consideration: fame.

being in a relationship and under the limelight at the same time can be very intruding in to their private life. recall the paparazzi and their constant stalking.

also, they have their fans to consider. one wrong move (scandalous affair) could spell a downfall in their career, as they will loose fans as well as media(advertising) support.

therefore it may seem as though the star couples are doing well, but in fact they might just be going through the rituals of a relationship just to keep their careers alive.

Bryan J Wong said...

I feel that though i agree with you that they probably do not have enough time with each other as other "normal" couples would, it is easier for them to understand their partner's situations as they would be going through the same as well, since they're both in the same industry. I guess it's all about the understanding between the couple and the effort shown at times when it IS in their control. Soemtimes I think some of the hollywood relationships are for publicity or for "fun", and usually within the next few months you would expect the tabloids to report of a break up.

Kai Siang said...

I guess because of they status and on screen persona, they have no problem looking for partner(s). However when they really interact with each other, their expectations fall short and either party chose not to do anything about it.

Those with the healthy relationships probably have both partners working well together in trying to make the relationship work. After all, you can never have a relationship with yourself.

Kai Siang said...

I guess because of they status and on screen persona, they have no problem looking for partner(s). However when they really interact with each other, their expectations fall short and either party chose not to do anything about it.

Those with the healthy relationships probably have both partners working well together in trying to make the relationship work. After all, you can never have a relationship with yourself.

k r i s t y . w said...

Among other factors, the lack of time spent together due to work commitments would play in the termination of the relationship eventually. We must remember that Hollywood is quite a world away from reality. Its celebrities there live in a hub of extreme pressure: unrelenting paparazzi attention, crazy fans, and a demanding work schedule. Also.. maybe it's a generalization, but many people in the creative industry like singer and actors tend to be volatile and emotional, leading to more break-ups as well. Some couples get together just for show too, to boost their reputation and get them into the tabloids. It's messed up.

Simply my two cents.

AmandaCWL said...

i wonder if hollywood stars even get tired of their hectic social lives... getting romantically involved with someone and breakup the next minute. i simply think that some celeb couples get together for publicity, to create juicy news for themselves and attract the paparazzi's attention. even though zed said being in a relationship openly as public people have certain drawbacks. well, i guess it is possible that as people in the limelight, celebs who are filthy rich needs company in order to fulfill their social needs.

yes, there are some who are happily married, but i certainly do not know for beckham and spice. i thought beckham is heterosexual, are you sure they are having a healthy marriage? (no offence, but i had never had a good impression of him ^.^)

yond :) said...

I believe that the fundamentals of their relationship would be like the average joe. It's just that because they're famous, there's the added strain and pressure from the media. It's probably harder when an unknown person gets together with a star. The other person might not be able to take the lack or privacy etc, and that would cause problems.

But, what does not break us makes us stronger. That's probably why Hollywood couples are still together. They've gone through more together as a couple on an average basis, what with the additional barriers.

Sonia said...

i think that hollywood actors might get together with each other instead of with someone from the "outside world" because of proximity and similarity, because the best way to find someone who can understand their hectic and tiring career would be someone who's in the same line, no? it could also be convenient from them in a way, cause a fellow actor would already be in the same circle of friends. for the more cynical, you could say that these actors get together to up their social standing, and to boost movie sales.

we'll never know why actors really get together but does it matter? remember that just like us, they're humans with hearts, just with the misfortune of being under public scrutiny.

Anonymous said...

I guess it because they can understand their partners' situations . With both sides being from the same profession , perhaps they can understand that time is not something they can afford freely , which probably suggests why they can do without spending so much time together .

Therefore , I believe that besides time , understanding is also crucial to maintaining a relationship .

siewmai said...

i guess that's the price to pay for being a celebrity in the west.

fame and power definitely gets to a person. so much so that some are even willing to 'make use' of relationships to fuel their insatiable desire to attain fame and money.

throwing conventional relational patterns into disarray.

Arare - Raj said...

It boils down to the same thing in the end .Money and Status.

To me,its rarely truly about love.Sure maybe at first sight and then reality sets in and people realize they want to be with someone who can provide for them.Especially women.

This works out in the animal kingdom.The Females will always search for the healthiest,strongest male to mate with.The weaklings are cast aside.Apes do this as well for "money and power" in the form of territorial control and ow many other mates and children he has.

We humans are just like that.Only difference is we think we are sophisticated enough to foll ourselves into thinking its for love.